St Joseph's Marist College
Belmont Road, Rondebosch, Cape Town.
Tel: +27 21 685 6715
Each girl and boy is cherished for their uniqueness.
Age 3 to Matric
Seamless transition between the different phases of their school career.
Aftercare and Holiday Care
Enriching programmes on offer within a safe, caring environment.
Extra murals
A full range of sporting and cultural opportunities for all.
SNU and Bridging classes
Supportive environments for children who learn differently.
St Joseph's Marist College
The pursuit of academic excellence, the heritage of Catholic education, and the spirit of Marist ethos.
As an academic community, St Joseph’s Marist College maintains excellence in teaching and high expectations for learning in an environment that values achievement. The College offers its pupils a curriculum that cultivates extensive knowledge and critical thinking skills, intellectual acumen, formation of character, aesthetic appreciation, and physical well-being, in order to prepare them for tertiary studies, civic leadership and the lifelong pursuit of truth, goodness and learning.
As a Catholic school, St Joseph’s Marist College is guided by the educational mission of the Catholic Church. Respecting religious diversity, the College welcomes a significant number of pupils from other traditions.
St Joseph’s Marist College cherishes each child for their uniqueness and they are guided by experienced staff to reach their full potential.