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To love the skin they are already in

By Dominican Convent Belgravia, Homepage news

On Tuesday 4 April, the actors of the Kwasah entertained us! Theatre Company, who came to share a very important message with our Grade 6 and Grade 7 learners. The play was titled: “The skin I am in” and is based on the storybook of the same name.

Through song, dance and rap battles, the cast taught the learners tolerance, diversity and most importantly – TO LOVE THE SKIN THEY ARE IN.

The play was amazing, vibrant, and necessary. We live in a world that all too often judges people on their looks, their choices and their abilities.

The children partook in the dances and the post discussions with the cast. It was inspiring to see that our learners paid attention to the actual message of the play, and that going forward they will not only love their own skin, but also try not judge or tease another person for their skin.

The play left the learners with much to think about and much to chat about.

Thank you Kwasha! For teaching, our learners’ valuable concepts like:

“Skin colour is only a problem if you make it a problem”

“Though my skin is a source of pride, it does not show you what is inside”

“All people are clever. All people are unique. Regardless of the skin they are in”

isiZulu Cultural Evening

By Homepage news, St Henry’s Marist College

Siyabonga ngokuhlanganyela nathi izolo ebusuku!

Our isiZulu Cultural Evening was a wonderful success last night. Children were incredibly dedicated and the food was mouth-watering! 

Thank you for the wonderful speech from our guest speaker, who is an alumni, Mvelo Mthembu. 

And many thanks to our marist family for supporting this inspirational annual event at St. Henry’s! Siyabonga kakhulu!

Matric Mass

By Homepage news, St Henry’s Marist College

Our Matrics of 2023 joined with fellow matrics from Our Lady of Fatima Dominican Convent School, Maris Stella School, Holy Family College Durban, St Benedict School and St Francis College, Mariannhill to celebrate mass at Our Lady of Fatima parish. Fr David Houbert was the main celebrant. His homily reminded the young people that God is a God of love and that he cares for each one of us.

All the matrics received a blessing as they look ahead to their trial exams.