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St David’s Marist Inanda

Wellness at St David’s

By Homepage news, St David’s Marist Inanda

The Impact of Saying YES

Saying YES means that you’re open to moving past your comfort zone and embracing a new challenge. 

By saying YES, you naturally adopt a growth mindset, leading with your curiosity.

Before agreeing to a new obligation, we should think about the time this commitment will take up after hours, weekends or nights. Will there be increased stress from work?  

If we still say YES to everyone and everything, we will have to think about how all this fits into our personal lives.

A balanced work / personal life is vital for optimal mental health and management of stress levels.

NO is a difficult word to say to our friends and colleagues especially when they need help. 

Set boundaries and remember to prioritise your own wellness and happiness.

Make changes today. Make your physical, emotional, and mental well-being a priority.

Be Kind to Yourself

#WellnessWednesday #WellnessatStDavids #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthmatters #bekind #bekindtoyourself